My relocation tours vs those to other countries in the region
When I started offering relocation tours to Costa Rica in 1998 nobody was doing similar tours to Costa Rica, not to mention other countries in Latin America. Now there are retirement tours to Ecuador, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama.
Over the last couple of years I have had many clients who have explored living in some of the other countries in the region by attending seminars and doing relocation tours. I think they are right in checking out other places to see which is the best for them, their particular needs and lifestyles. However, it is interesting to note that in most cases the feedback I have received indicates that Costa Rica is by far the best place to live due to a number of factors like its weather, people, democratic tradition, international reputation and user-friendliness for foreigners. It is a place where expats are treated well and feel right at home.
The people who have done several tours go on to say, “The availability and accessibility of flights (Ecuador), long distance to the ocean (Ecuador), non-democratic government (Nicaragua), fewer places to live (Panama), violence (Mexico), are the reasons they like Costa Rica and my tours”.

My guests have stated categorically, that my tours and seminar are a much better product than what being offered in other countries by similar organizations.
Over the years I have constantly made changes to improve the quality of my product and keep up with the changing times. A great deal of work is involved in this process, but it has paid off. I have helped thousands of people relocate successfully with my tours, articles and books.
My customer satisfaction is extremely high to which the many favorable testimonials on my website will attest. I put a lot effort and research into maintaining the quality of my tours so my clients can get the best possible and objective information as part of their due diligence process. All of this combines to ensure their success if they decide to relocate here.