Expats can now discover the world of bees (abejas)
In previous articles, I have written about many activities to stay busy and happy while living here. It seems like every week there is something new to do in Costa Rica.
The Tour de la miel (honey tour) is interesting, fun, and educational for people of all ages. One experiences what it is like to be a beekeeper (apicultor or colmenero).
The tour takes place at an apiary (apiario) or bee farm located in San Ramón de Alajuela which is part of Costa Rica’s Central Valley.
The activity stresses the importance of bees since 80 percent of the food we eat is produced with their help. The tour shows how the apicultores raise bees and how homey is produced.

Participants have to use special clothing that beekeepers wear that is called a beekeeping suit (traje de apicultor). A full bee suit consists of long sleeves and long pants to protect the beekeeper. Most of these suits will also come with a hat and veil to protect one’s neck, face, and eyes. Shoes that cover one’s feet are required. Sandals will not afford adequate protection.
Products like honey, facial creams, soap, and more honey-based derivatives are sold on the premises.
The tour lasts a couple of hours and is affordable for any budget. The cost depends on the number of people in a group. The more people, the lower the price. So, it is the perfect activity for cost-conscious expat retirees.
To reserve a tour call 6067-7272 or check out Miel Colibrí on Facebook or Instagram.
The tour price includes an insurance policy in case of a mishap caused by the bees which is highly unlikely, given the experience of the tour guides and safety precautions.