How it is decided what we show you as part of the tour
Property sampling
NO relocation tour would be complete without this)
When I first started my tours over ten years ago I included more traditional tourist activities like a visit to the Irazú Volcano, a boat cruise to an exotic island off the Pacific Coast and a visit to a coffee plantation. While my clients enjoyed these tours they were much more interested in finding out how people live and the types of construction and housing options available in Costa Rica. Consequently, by popular demand of my former clients I now include a sampling of different types of property. To facilitate this process and customize each monthly tour for the specific needs of the participants, I now send my them a questionnaire before each tour.
The objective here is to give you a feel for the areas, cultures, climates and housing options to assist in deciding if Costa Rica is for you. This way you gain a proper perspective and the knowledge which will ensure you make wise decisions.
In case you don’t know according to CNBC News Costa Rica is one of the five EMERGING real estate markets in the world. The market here is international, non-leveraged with lenders having stricter requirements for loans than in the U.S., thus minimizing the chance of a mortgage crisis. Over the years my tours have assisted thousands of people find their dreams here in Costa Rica and I sincerely hope you become part of this statistic as this is clearly my objective.

The actual property sampling
A full range of properties are selected to completely familiarize you with what we offer for Costa Rica retirement and investment. The range is sometimes governed by the group as we always try to carefully profile you as to not bore people with the wrong kinds of properties.
When you move to Costa Rica you will have to live someplace and we want to show you a variety of living situations in different locations to give you an idea of what housing is available in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica properties that are shown range from high rise, horizontal condos, town homes, single family homes to building lots in gated communities. If you are a lot buyer and wish to build your home, we offer design and construction professionals for interview prior to departure.
Most properties are found with good proximity to services and amenities and for sure directly in the path of growth and development to assure good resale opportunities.